Abolishing the OLR Sentence in Scotland

NOLR is a campaign group established by loved ones of people serving an Order for Lifelong Restriction in Scotland (OLR). It campaigns for the abolition of the OLR and resentencing of those currently serving an OLR.


We campaign to bring an end to this ineffective and damaging sentence. Our aim is to have the OLR abolished and resentencing applied retrospectively to those currently serving an OLR.
This will ensure that punishment is just and proportionate and relates directly to the offence committed.
It is widely accepted that indeterminate sentences are unjust and inhumane. A similar type of sentence in England and Wales known as the Imprisonment for Public Protection (IPP) was abolished as being in breach of Human Rights. It has since been described as ‘irredeemably flawed’ and a ‘stain on the Criminal Justice System’.

Despite this, Scotland continues to operate the OLR.
The OLR violates the basic principles of justice and has no place in Scotland if it wishes to be a fair and progressive country.

Human Rights Violation

A recent ruling in Scotland (May 2024) found that Scottish Ministers were in breach of Article 5 of Human Rights Legislation by failing to provide appropriate rehabilative avenues for an OLR prisoner. There are many more in the same position and this will only get worse as OLR numbers increase.

What is the OLR ?

The OLR (Order for Lifelong Restriction) is a sentence that can be imposed by a Judge of the High Court of Justiciary on serious violent and sexual offenders in Scotland

Why it is ineffective

The OLR is a life sentence which can be given for a much larger range of offences, including a pattern of minor offences.

Why it is Damaging

The Centre for Crime and Justice Studies published a report in 2022 which likened indeterminate sentences to psychological torture.

What we are doing

We are pushing for change with the Scottish Government. We need it to see how the OLR affects Scotland’s reputation as a fair and just Country.